527 research outputs found

    Ursprung, Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion mythischer Verwandtschaft in Athen und Ephesos

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    In dem Beitrag werden zwei ältere, bislang unentdeckte Mythenversionen rekonstruiert, die die “barbarischen” Amazonen als Einwanderinnen, Ahnfrauen und Gründungsheroinen in positiver Konnotation vorführen. Im Zentrum steht zum einen die am Ende des 6. Jahrhundert v. Chr. beliebte Erzählung von Theseus und Antiope, die mit alten Kultmalen in Athen in Verbindung gebracht werden kann. Zum anderen sind Ergebnisse neuerer Grabungen im Artemisheiligtum von Ephesos zu nennen, wo Befunde früharchaischer Zeit (7. Jahrhundert v. Chr.) ebenfalls Anlass für die Entstehung einer älteren Gründungslegende geliefert haben könnten. Ihre Funktion als identitätsstiftende Migrationsmythen wurde im 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. unter Einfluss der Perserkriege und der daraus resultierenden hegemonialen Interessen Athens aufgegeben und von der Griechen-Barbaren-Dualität überlagert. Dies gelang deshalb so gut, weil die alten Raumbezüge nun nicht mehr präsent waren

    Spectroscopic study of double sulphides of molybdenum (IV) and rhenium (IV)

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    Dichalcogenides of transition metals are especially interesting. Majority of chalcoginides are semiconductors and some of them show interesting properties in certain regions of optical spectrum. Such properties allow application of these compounds in optico-electronics, radio-photonics, laser physics etc. Direct synthesis one of simple chalcogenides - rhenium disulphide - has been carried out from source components: metallic rhenium and elemental sulfur. In this research we used high temperature annealing at 1000 0C and the pressure of 10-5 atm in 24 hours. The synthesis was carried out in a sealed quartz ampoule. Photoelectron spectra and IR absorption spectra of molybdenum disulfide (IV) and rhenium disulfide (IV) were measured during the research. We shows that rhenium disulfide (IV) crystallize in CdI2 structural type. S2p sulfur bond energy for molybdenum disulfide (IV) and rhenium disulfide (IV) are at almost identical values. IR spectrum analysis shows that rhenium disulfide (IV) structure compared with molybdenum disulfide (IV)

    Effort reduction and collision avoidance for powered wheelchairs : SCAD assistive mobility system

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    The new research described in this dissertation created systems and methods to assist wheelchair users and provide them with new realistic and interesting driving opportunities. The work also created and applied novel effort reduction and collision avoidance systems and some new electronic interactive devices. A Scanning Collision Avoidance Device (SCAD) was created that attached to standard powered wheelchairs to help prevent children from driving into things. Initially, mechanical bumpers were used but they made many wheelchairs unwieldy, so a novel system that rotated a single ultra-sonic transducer was created. The SCAD provided wheelchair guidance and assisted with steering. Optical side object detectors were included to cover blind spots and also assist with doorway navigation. A steering lockout mode was also included for training, which stopped the wheelchair from driving towards a detected object. Some drivers did not have sufficient manual dexterity to operate a reverse control. A reverse turn manoeuvring mode was added that applied a sequential reverse and turn function, enabling a driver to escape from a confined situation by operating a single turn control. A new generation of Proportional SCAD was created that operated with proportional control inputs rather than switches and new systems were created to reduce veer, including effort reduction systems. New variable switches were created that provided variable speed control in place of standard digital switches and all that research reduced the number of control actions required by a driver. Finally, some new systems were created to motivate individuals to try new activities. These included a track guided train and an adventure playground that including new interactive systems. The research was initially inspired by the needs of young people at Chailey Heritage, the novel systems provided new and more autonomous driving opportunities for many powered wheelchair users in less structured environments.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    „Prägung. Geblieben sind die Erinnerungen, die gedankenschwer in meinem Bewußtsein wüten“. Grafische Verfahren zur Sichtbarmachung von Strukturen des Erinnerns bei Joachim Zintel

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    The article describes the aspects of Joachim Zintel’s (Berlin, 1943) graphics that are referred to as typography. In his graphics, the artist processes snippets of memories of the flight from Stettin to Berlin at the end of the World War II. But it is not the historical events that come to the fore in the graphics, but the processes of remembering and forgetting, the themes of images that are characterized by shifts, highlights, obscuring, blurring and gaps

    Zum Begriff der Regionalität und Faktoren seiner Bestimmung anhand mittelalterlicher Blutwunderberichte

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    Der Begriff der ‚Regionalität‘ findet seit einigen Jahren in der Germanistik wieder verstärkte Aufmerksamkeit und wird in dem vorliegenden Aufsatz für die Literatur des späten Mittelalters diskutiert. Er stellt dafür drei neuere Ansätze (van Tenne, Tervooren, Mertens) für den Regionalitätsbegriff vor. Diese Konzepte sind sowohl sprach- als auch literaturwissenschaftlich fundiert. Anhand der referierten Ergebnisse wird die Dichotomie zweier Strukturen eingeführt: die ‚Abgeschlossenheit‘ eines Kulturraums und dessen ‚Durchlässigkeit‘. Diese Begriffe werden auf ihre Leistungsmerkmale geprüft. Konkretisiert werden die Ergebnisse an Blutwunderberichten aus der Mark Brandenburg.The concept of regionalism reemerged in literary studies discussions a few years ago. The following essay discusses this concept in the context of late medieval literature, specifically the stories of Eucharistic miracles from the Mark Brandenburg region. In the essay the author is applying three new approaches to the notion of regionalism (van Tenne, Tervooren, Mertens), which are based on the studies of both language and literature. On the basis of the discussed results, the dychotomy of two structures is introduced: ‚Abgeschlossenheit‘ of a region (the region being ‚locked‘) and its ‚Durchlässigkeit‘ (the region being ‚permeable‘ for outside influences). These concepts are tested with regard to their range and efficiency. Substantiated are the results concerning the stories about the miracles of blood stemming from the Mark Brandenburg region.Pojęcie ‚regionalizmu‘ cieszy się od kilku lat ponownie dużym zainteresowaniem germanistyki. W przedstawionym artykule pojęcie to dyskutowane jest w kontekście literatury późnego średniowiecza. Omówione zostały trzy nowe (van Tenne, Tervooren, Mertens) oparte na podstawach językoznawczych i literaturoznawczych koncepcje pojęcia regionalizmu. Na podstawie zreferowanych wyników badań wprowadzona została dychotomia dwóch struktur: ‚odosobnienie‘ pewnego kręgu kulturowego oraz jego ‚przepuszczalność‘, otwarcie na wpływy zewnętrzne. Pojęcia te ocenione zostały pod kątem zakresu ich oddziaływania. Przytoczone zostały wyniki analizy w oparciu o doniesienia na temat cudów krwi z regionu Marchi Brandenburskiej